Very excited to fly again on an A380, my favorite aircraft. Check-in was nice and friendly, loved the lounge and staff there too! Got on board, and things changed. While the male crew were nice and looked happy, the female staff were mostly sour, a smile probably would have cracked their pretty faces. That on a very easy flight from BKK to DOH! Did not appreciate when the crew put my meal on my tray while I was at the bar. When I returned, the food was stone cold. I discussed that with the excellent purser, me wondering why staff looked that unhappy. After that, the staff were sickly sweet. I decided to spend most of the time at the bar, I had a nicer time there. Shame, but the next flight on Qatar was again excellent.
One thing I also did not like? Swiss chocolate from Laederach, a company I boycott due to their anti LGBTQ+ stance!