My fiance and I had company (a couple) from Cleveland for the weekend and we were wondering what to do when my fiance heard about this new Segway tour of the Welland Canal. He called them, found out the info and off we went. I was kind of scared to use one of these two wheeled balancing tools for transport because I am a bit of a "scard-y cat" and worried about falling off. However, the people who run this tour make sure that they give you the appropriate training and ample time to practice. It is really quite easy and the Segways won't fall over, they also have a speed regulator so you won't go screaming out of control down a hill or anything. They do go fast enough to be fun though, and you regulate the speed. There are a few different tours to take at varying costs. This tour group is just starting up and currently you start at the Canal Museum at Lock 3. We took the tour from Lock 3 to Lock 7 and saw two boats go through the locks, it was very interesting and really a fun thing to do. At the museum there are washrooms and an ice cream shop so you can make a nice day out of this tour. You are required to wear a helmet so if you have a bike helmet of your own, bring it, otherwise they do have helmets there with a nice clean head cover that you put on underneath to make everything sanitary. I believe that this tour group is trying to expand and there was some mention of having a tour of Henry of Pelham winery where you ride the segways through the vineyards, I'd like to give that one a try! I would really recommend this unique tour.