Let me first say, the ZipLine experience is Amazing!
We have never experienced something so thrilling like this before, but the reason I say "Warning," is because they have a VERY VERY SERIOUS mosquito problem, and they do not warn you about it like the way they should.
The 3 Star review is strictly for management, for their POOR decision to allow people to go on their Zip Line tours without properly warning them or at least providing some sort of bug spray or protection for purchase. Note to management: You're running a business. You can purchase mosquito nets in bulk and sell them to your customers for additional revenue. You will make it a much better experience for everyone.
At a minimum, they should at least sell bug spray. This would give us a chance at making this a memorable experience. Instead, the moment you reach the summit and step off the gondola, you're met with a swarm of THOUSANDS, yes THOUSANDS, of mosquitos that will fly into your clothing, hair, ears, nose, mouth, anywhere there's an opening, they will find it, and you will have to deal with it the ENTIRE time (3 hours).
Also, the Tour Guides use the tour as their chance to tell you about their views on the environment. So at each station the tour guide will halt the tour to tell you how you can save the world, which is totally fine for the Tour Guides wearing bug nets over their heads and arms, but for the rest of us, we are dancing around like we're on an episode of Naked & Afraid, trying to shew away the thousands of mosquitos trying to eat us alive. This is NO exaggeration!
One of the tour guides mentioned it's only bad for about a month of the summer, which intensified my anger that management would knowingly send people up multiple times a day without sufficient warning or providing some sort of defense. It's a shame, because this really is an amazing activity. I did it with my wife and two daughters, ages 12 & 14. See the pictures.
So PLEASE heed my advise, do NOT go on this tour, in the summer unprotected or this will be one of the most miserable experiences of your life.
Side note: The tour guides were really great. We don't hold them accountable for managements poor decisions. We loved our guides.