Warning! Do not read this review if you can’t handle the truth. If still reading, the Whale watch trip on the San Juan out of Seattle is not only a play on words, but a disingenuous promotion. Although a comfortable, well equipped vessel for the purpose, that ends the pros.
Cons, no pun intended, but a con job it is. Before signing up, we were never told that the Orca Whales we hoped to see were not within any conceivable range of the trip to see. They hadn’t been for some time. Didn’t know that until asking the “naturalist” on board while underway whereupon she responded “ only if you can make them materialize”. Then, upon further inquiry admitting the past families have not been any frequent visitors for years, moving elsewhere out of Puget Sound leaving only happenstance of random, occassion and infrequent sightings. I was unhappy to say the least. Did i mention that thereafter, this same naturalist was overjoyed ti point out “Sea Life” which totaled a single harbor seal laying in a buoy( which the Captain slowed spending abundant time to acquaint us all with the rare sighting if sea life. Then we actually were favored with the sight of a school of traveling porpoise in the distance. Even they averted leaping out of the water, presumably content to travel mostly below the uninterrupted top water but come up momentarily to breath. I admit that was also sea life. Finally, after about an hour and a half or two, a lone Humpback calf was spotted cruising. You could tell it was so because we actually got to see it spouting followed immediately by a small tail. We stayed following it for about forty five minutes or more . Sufficient time to allow anyone on board the chance to see a blow of vapor and v of a tail. Whereafter we turned to motor back.
Along the way we saw boats sailing and motoring, more sea life i guess.
Final analysis if I haven’t waxed on too much to lose you, Sea life in the ocean or Fiords or Sounds, is generally subject to averages to be sighted depending on season, weather, feeding, mating, traveling and can be random. However,there are patterns of behavior whereby honest tour operators will give educational guesses based on experience and realtime data and sightings from lots of present sources. We’ve seen lots of whale activity over many years in different places as well as varieties of sea life. Never have we been misled as to the current chances or known deficiencies whereby they basically say fat chance. Conjure one up. Or are “thrilled” to have seen a single calf traveling as an experience warranting a steep price . That sighting did,however, keep their promise of seeing a whale or get a return trip. They in fact don’t promise anything else and don’t deliver anything else either.
Save your money and time unless you are just along for the ride.