I went w my 19 yo. daughter after Halloween. At that time, the crowds were less and we can really get into our tour without fighting for space on the street, and we were also able to hear our tour guide Jeff. He was born and raised in Salem and has seen what a transformation there was in the city. He gave us a great insight as to how it was growing up here in addition to the lore and legend and myth about Salem. He has done his research for many years, and has been working as an informed tour guide for years as well. He offered us insight into each persons view of life in 1692. The tour was very extensive, but not physically exhausting. It was the depth of the knowledge that made it extensive. He notes his sources for the information he’s giving us, and Jeff tells us even when it’s just his point of view so we can make decisions on our own about what happened. I would highly recommend this tour. However I know that young children will not be able to re-create each point of view and the policies of Massachusetts, Salem, England and New York. An adult could put together the timeline and the intricate webs of families, and the illegal atrocities that went on in the court system at that time. I would say it was not as visually entertaining as a child’s mind can capture, but if you don’t have to consider young children on your trip to Salem, you must take this your to get a great perspective on Salems history as well as the New England area. Jeff also gives many recommendations for Other things to do and see and places to eat if you would like to find out from a local’s point of view. We only wished we were able to remember a few books he recommended the group should read to gain a greater knowledge. Our brains were Packed with information!