This was an excellent day trip. The long drive was worth it, not only for the destination (Delphi), but also for the experience of leaving the city of Athens and seeing more of the locality and countryside. Our driver, Pericles, was a very good driver and his Mercedes van (a 9 seater I believe) was comfortable. Pericles explained some of the sights and geography along the way and kept us apprised of when the next rest would be and how much longer we had to drive. He was eager to answer questions that we asked. When we arrived at Delphi, Georgia was there to greet us as our guide in the museum and as we walked the site. But first, the approach to Delphi was stunning on this remarkably warm and bright January day and Delphi literally sparkled on the side of the mountain and the spring growth on the hillside was the most verdant green. Georgia was very knowledgeable and helped us understand the history of the site and the very interesting people/gods who were instrumental in building Delphi and how a strong community continued there for centuries. So much history! I’ll admit this: it’s a lot more history that I can retain! A day trip like this is long but because we were staying in Athens for six days, we felt that it was well worth the time, effort, and cost. The experience exceeded our hopes, as did Pericles and Georgia as our hosts!