Warning and advice to visitors: some of the local NIMBY Karen/Ken types have taken it upon themselves to police Topanga State Park on their own, threatening "outsiders", AKA the public who pays taxes just like everyone else to support our parks, with having their cars towed or to issues "tickets" for a variety of "infractions". The Rangers are currently turning a blind eye to this behavior, much like they have turned a blind eye to the maintenance of facilities and trails in recent years.
Please, do not hesitate to visit our beautiful State Park, and do not be intimidated by these people. It is your right to be there, and to park anywhere that is legal parking, including Entrada Rd. outside the park.
If you are approached by these people, please ignore them, and understand that they do not represent any legal entity, nor the people of Topanga Canyon, who very much welcome visitors. Also, please report any interactions with these people, or any issues you encounter in the park, to any and all of the departments below:
Topanga Ranger Line
310-455-2465 x106
State Parks, Angeles District Office
(818) 880-0363
Human Rights Office, California State Parks
(916) 653-8148, 711 CA Relay Service
Dogs are generally not allowed in the park with the exception of Service Animals as defined by the Americans With Disabilities Act.
Above all, please come visit Topanga State Park, and enjoy the grandeur of Mother Nature!