Best Restaurants in Centre-Ville (Downtown) (Montreal), Quebec
Centre-Ville (Downtown) Restaurants
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Top Restaurants in Montreal
527 results match your filters
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422 reviewsClosed today
Italian, European$$$$
1,543 reviewsClosed today
Italian, Pizza$$ - $$$Menu
917 reviewsOpens in 2 min
French, Bar$$ - $$$
973 reviewsCloses in 2 min
French, European$$$$Menu
1,172 reviewsClosed today
Seafood, Mediterranean$$$$
127 reviewsClosed now
Japanese, Barbecue$$ - $$$Menu
885 reviewsClosed now
American, Bar$$ - $$$Menu
537 reviewsClosed now
Steakhouse, Bar$$ - $$$Menu
999 reviewsClosed now
Italian, Bar$$ - $$$
827 reviewsOpens in 32 min
French, American$$$$Menu
206 reviewsClosed now
Irish, Bar$$ - $$$
113 reviewsClosed today
Contemporary$$ - $$$Menu
390 reviewsClosed today
Japanese, Asian$$$$Menu
127 reviewsClosed now
Seafood, Mediterranean$$$$Menu
156 reviewsClosed today
Italian, Mediterranean$$ - $$$Menu
267 reviewsClosed today
American, Grill$$$$Menu
Showing results 1-30 of 527