We will be in the Sussex area in late September to see the covered bridges. Will the Fall colors have begun to show by then?
Please suggest lodging and good places to eat. Thanks in advance.
The fall colors should have "begun" to show though they will probably not be that far along, it depends of course on the weather and what exactly you mean by "late" September. The closer to the coast you go the less color there will be. There should be enough to give you a good taste of it though. September, in my opinion, is the best time to travel Maine and New Brunswick. Too bad you were not going to be in Sussex earlier in September for the big hot air balloon festival.
As for lodging right in Sussex the Amsterdam Inn is nice. Make sure to go down to St. Martin's and check out the Fundy Trail Parkway.
Thank you CountyMounty for your reply. Its so hard to select what all to see, where to stay. I have a list a yard long!
We arrive in Portland on Sep 18 and will stay there that evening (in case of delay or lost luggage-heaven forbid).
We are then heading to Eastport via the Common Ground Fair in Unity on Friday. Our lodging is confirmed in Eastport for the 19th and 20th. Its the Two Countries One Bay art tour. We will take in some of that as we putty about.
On Sunday the 21st we head to ?????
Our lodging on Monday Sep 22 is near Hopewell Rocks. I've set that with the tide schedule for Monday noon and the also Tuesday morning.
We have another day to play around with no lodging set for Tuesday evening Sep 23rd. ????
Wed and Thurs reservations have been made in Bar Harbor.
Fri and Sat are open ?????
Reservations are made in Portland for Sunday night as we fly out early on Monday Sep 29.
Saint John, Campobello, so much to consider. Please look at our schedule and let me know if I am pushing too hard at times. Will we be able to find lodging for the 4 night we have let unarranged? Would love a week in NB but durn it, we have to head home and go back to work.
You sound like me, trying to squeeze in a much as you can in several places in one trip. That is fine if you can handle it so people like to stay put in one place. There are a couple days that seem a little rushed like the first day from Portland to Eastport with the Unity fair in there. The drive time itself will be 5 hrs or so. If your only stop is at the fair and not for long or if you plan to arrive in EP late that is fine, it certainly can be done but you might feel rushed. The Unity fair is a good idea though.
I would plan another night or possibley two right in the same area of New Brunswick for sure (Sussex, Saint John, St. Martins area), you have the two open nights there to work with (one on either side of your scheduled stay in Hopewell)
For the two extra days at the end I would suggest spending one more in Bar Harbor and maybe one in the midcoast area. Though Maine is full of great places the Acadia Region is the number 1 must see in my opinion. OR if you really want to see foiliage you could head inland from Bar Habor up to the Baxter park or Greenville area for those two nights there should be more color up there then near the coast.
So many choices so little time. Enjoy.
I'll be traveling to Eastport with my parents and extended family this week. We look forward to seeing relatives in Eastport and on Deer Island. I'd like to go to Perry to see the fireworks on Sat. @ dusk. I've been on the 4th of July but, never in the fall. The Happy Crab is a good place in Eastport to party with tourists and locals. Check Seaview Campground for a fall cook-out. I'm sure they have something planned. I would imagine the ride to the coast on RT9 would be better than RT1 if you're going that way for foliage.
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