A dreadful airline whose employees continuously demonstrate how much they hate their lives coupled with systems that are antiquated and inefficient. Customer service is reluctant at best at this airline. Iberia offered the only non-stop flight from California to Spain and that was our sole selection criteria. We bought tickets four months in advance, but as flight time approached, Iberia reached out to offer a $481 travel voucher to change our travel dates when they realized the flight was in demand and they could sell our tickets for more. I frustratingly entered travel document info (passport number, frequent flier, etc) over thirty times into their reservation system and the info never registered. It required a two-hour call with customer service (almost impossible to reach) to have to input the same info another six times before it 'stuck'. My reservation never reflected on Iberia’s App that made me nervous. I had to continually input the record locator from the reservation for Iberia to find my booking. The 'add booking' function doesn't work on their app. Check-in is a brave new world. Iberia's app informed that my flight was available for check-in however my ticket was deemed “not eligible” for app check-in so I'd need to go to the airport check-in desk. If you don't go to the airport to check-in the day before, Iberia will void and resell your seats and you will need to BUY NEW tickets. I was able to ultimately check-in with my laptop over a land line from a hotel. Fortunately, I was aware of the Iberia check-in scam from other reviews so I carried my laptop for my three-week vacation otherwise our tickets would have been vacated by Iberia. They hold your feet to the fire to comply with their protocols, yet their antiquated and unreliable systems are frequently unavailable so it becomes a game of Russian roulette to comply. Need to go to the Iberia check-in desk to get your boarding passes? Well you best check their hours of operation; Iberia doesn’t have an open check-in desk, and they arrive late and leave early. Iberia’s app only permits you to check in, if they determine that your ticket is “eligible”. (No clue what eligibility criteria might be). Iberia is a horror show and an anxiety roller coaster.