We spent 7 nights from the 4th of February this year. Weather was very cold those days, even 15-20 degrees below zero. We got two rooms on the second floor, one of them on the corner of the house. As soon as we entered the rooms I asked the owner Mrs. Sandra to put more heating as temperature in the room was not warm enough for two children of 2 and 4 year old.The owner said she could not do anything. We also asked quilts but she said she has not got any.
We spent awake that night beacuse even with 3 blankets we were cold. One of my daughters got cough and the other cystitis. Next day we told to the owner we were so much cold. She offered to us the possibility of changing rooms. We accepted the new rooms. In the evening before going to bed I asked some hot water for my sick children for an infusion (I had bought the infusion in the pharmacy). The owner put the hot water on the bill like infusion. Unfortunately situation was the same in the new rooms too. We decided with my husband to buy an electric heater. After half an hour we had it in the room of my children the owner came and said to take it away as it was against the rules. I said as she could not resolve our problem I had to do it as my children are already sick. She threatened me to call the police.
And she did.
I had to argue with policemen in a hotel I payed to get a temperature we are not freezing! Policmen discovered that the owner did not heat during the night from 10 pm to 3 am while outside there were 15-20 degrees below zero. It was also mortifying when other guests came in the corridor and the owner asked them in our presence if they were cold or not. They were not and they laughed at us. At the end policemen asked the owner to give us at least quilts. Next day she gave them to us.
In the playing room for children it was freezing, never any child was playing there.
The owner said the temperature she had in the hotel is perfect for italians.
We spent a week there trying to forget our first 2 days but sincerely it was not possible. We do not reccomend this place if you are looking for a sincere, human, familiar ambience. This was not at all that.
We have to say though that the food prepared by the son was very good and sufficent.