I would just like to express my gratitude to both Shirley and Ed for their wonderful hospitality during my stay here at their place. I was undergoing my first EVER 7 day water fast while here.. I can honestly say it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made as I felt so amazing afterwards!
And while there were challenging times, these two were always there to motivate and provide support. Just little things such as providing warm teas, meeting for chats, etc. Shirley is great because she’s able to give you so much insight into fasting, being that she has done it many times herself in her quest to heal her own ailments. As for Ed, after one of our chats we discovered that we both have a love for British crime dramas. He later surprised me with a USB stick full of these kinds of shows! As fasting leaves one with so much extra time on their hands, this kind gesture was so helpful in simply helping me to pass the time.
I honestly wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Abadin to anyone looking to fast, or even to those wanting a regular b&b experience. Shirley and Ed’s level of care, kindness, hospitality and cleanliness is outstanding.
Thank you for everything guys!!