The first day I was trying to find a room. The room I inspected had roaches behind the bed and in the kitchen. I finally found one that did not have roaches in it but the neighbors above me kept walking hard and throwing things on the floor. Also the neighbors under me were drunk and smoked mariquana. They were very loud. I had no choice but to stay because my budget was very low. I needed all my money to find an apartment. I talked with the manager about the roaches and noise. They came and sprayed 2 times the whole hotel. I thought the manager would know that these rooms needed continued spraying. I tried to talk to her about the noise level but she was not concern and let it rolled right off her back. I thought maybe if she walked around she could smell the drug odor because these rooms you can smelled everything and hear people walking and talking all the time. The police need to be called about drug use and public drinking at Jonesboro hotel. The manager will do nothing.